Five nights at Freddy's 2

Five nights at Freddy's 2
- Mouse interaction

Five Nights At Freddy’s 2 Gameplay | Toy Animatronics!
Published: Nov 16th, 2023 This is a second (although unofficial) part of well-known FNAF. Enjoy!

81% 563k plays
FNAF Sister Location: Custom Night
Published: Dec 8th, 2016 HTML5 This game is still in development, so expect bugs errors.

76% 218k plays
Five Night's at Golden Freddy's
Published: Jun 5th, 2016 HTML5 Something is not okay at this family dinner and it's up to you to find out.

86% 185k plays
Sister Location Night 1 & half of 2 (DEMO)
Published: Nov 9th, 2014 HTML5 Sister Location Night 1 & half of 2 (DEMO) - other nights will be added later

69% 6.5k plays
FNAF: Escape from the Basement
Published: Dec 3rd, 2024 HTML5 Every step counts, and every sound could be your last. Can you escape before Freddy gets you?

73% 35.3k plays
Five Nights at Old Toy Factory 2020
Published: Apr 7th, 2020 HTML5 Survive all 5 nights in an old toy factory.
gra w to jakis polak i takwogule ***** mam w domu hehe
Replyy'all chill 🙂 😛
😛 😈 🙂 😉 😊 😀
Reply🙂 🙂
Replygot jumpscared 😛
Replywij bereikten nacht 8 terwijl we niet eens speelde mattie wat is deze **** gare tering beren die in je slaap naar je moeder komt en die gare ahoy vos wat denkt hij met zijn haak van de action 50 cent en die vieze kip steelt onze voedsel uit mijn koelkast met haar cupcake eeee die cupcake was van mij kut hoer wat denkt dezeeee en wat denkt deze knop hieronder natuurlijk zijn wij geen robot die kut matties van freddy zijn robots beeeeeeeeeeeetchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😉 😉 😉 😉
ReplyCOME ON! 😮
Replyso so scary 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
Replyhi scott 😮
ReplyI love five nights at candy's1'2'3'4
Replythis is the amazing game i had 😀
Reply,ЭЮЖБЖЭЮЯЖ 😈 😑 🙁 😉 😮 😮 😮
Replydidiidiidiidididiidididiid ya me esta dando escalofrio ese freddy
Replyi wiill love this game