Monopoly Online

Monopoly Online online game

Monopoly Online

• Published Apr 28th, 2016 with 1825958 plays

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Monopoly, a delightful browser game inspired by its classic board counterpart, offers an engaging experience to players. Guided by the roll of dice, participants traverse the virtual board, strategically purchasing properties to build their economic empire. By renting out these acquired assets to fellow players, they generate income whenever someone lands on their holdings. The ultimate objective is to skillfully outmaneuver and financially overwhelm all opponents, successfully driving them to bankruptcy. As the game unfolds, players delve into a captivating world of buying houses, acquiring lands, and relishing the growth of their property empire.

Despite contending with only three computer-controlled adversaries, Monopoly Online maintains its allure, providing an exciting and entertaining escapade. Moreover, mastering this digital rendition could serve as excellent practice for future challenges against real-life friends, promising endless hours of fun and learning.

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cheater (unregistered) [02:03 Feb 15th, 2025]

I found a glitch in the matrix. If you double click "end turn" at the end of your turn you can continue your turn and continue rolling forever. Should really come in handy for those who can't find a winning strategy.

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Babydoll (unregistered) [18:58 Feb 12th, 2025]

The game has a bug. Around 25 minutes in, a character rolled multiple doubles, and it broke the game. Regardless of the numbers that comes up, the game keeps counting it as a double. Unlimited rolls for the automated character. The game can go nowhere now.

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chrissy (unregistered) [23:38 Feb 8th, 2025]

immediatly bugged to where the battleship ai has went 10 turns in a row and is still going as I am typing this. he rolled one double.

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not_saying_name (unregistered) [17:11 Feb 8th, 2025]

Every time i land on the the community chest spots, i always have to pay up. but when the ai lands on those, they get $50-$200 every single time.

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Jaytee (unregistered) [09:58 Feb 7th, 2025]

Terribly rigged! Always dropping me in their houses but making them skip mine

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Tariffic (unregistered) [20:00 Feb 6th, 2025]

It's entertaining. It's not that hard to win with a strategy to do so. I can add maximum number of computer opponents and set them all to tycoon and still win more often than not but I guess some want the game to be even easier than it already is.

ZekoBaby [19:08 Feb 5th, 2025]

Playing against A.I. so boring and easy

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Trump (unregistered) [21:37 Jan 27th, 2025]

the first couple of go arounds, buy every piece of property you land on. This keeps the opponent from getting all 2 or 3 pieces so they cant build and the rent isn't doubled. At the same time try to run him out of money so everything gets auctioned allowing you to get all the pieces of property. After that you buy houses and hotels where he cant and eventually bankrupt him. Once he is down to nothing, you can buy up all his property and there is no way he can recoup since he cant build. No matter how much you give him he will still run down. Last game I let him run with one monopoly and at the end had 10,000. You can either end it quickly with some hotels or slowly bleeding him with only a house or two here and there. DON'T let him get all 4 RR's At least get one so the max you pay is 100.00

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37Blue (unregistered) [01:19 Jan 27th, 2025]

Will not play game again. had 3 motels that computer player missed 20 times and I landed on his twice. then I pulled 3 cards for repairs when only 2 are in decks and computer did not get any. not a relistic game that would be played on a board.

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Frank (unregistered) [12:40 Jan 29th, 2025]

I had the same. This game is rigged.

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mahdiRthegoat (unregistered) [17:52 Jan 31st, 2025]

for me sometimes one bot would roll over and over again even if they didn't get a double

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Brolga [00:49 Jan 26th, 2025]

how do you save your game

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plo (unregistered) [12:34 Jan 24th, 2025]

I died playing this game. would not recommend

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Frank (unregistered) [08:22 Jan 24th, 2025]

This game is so rigged. I will never play again.

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What (unregistered) [17:34 Jan 20th, 2025]

the oppoinents get to instantly reroll somtimes when theyre going to land on my spaces so you see the piece move to the space they were SUPPOSED to land on, but then moves again due to the reroll. Please fix this bug because it is actual cheating

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what (unregistered) [17:46 Jan 20th, 2025]

nevermind, this is now happening to a specific opponent player every turn. So essentially they are rolling twice and moving the sum of the rolls. This is essentially game breaking and allows the computer player to clear the entire board in 3 to 4 rounds depending on what cards they can also draw

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abc (unregistered) [15:51 Jan 18th, 2025]

very bad

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tooeasyagain (unregistered) [12:33 Jan 18th, 2025]

bugs: sometimes chance cards end up back on top of pile (get out of jail free), advance to nearest railroad, if you press end turn more than once, next players skip turns x amount of presses.. scripted AI players will always try and buy orange property from you if one not bought and you own one and another is owned by same player.


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