Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Published Jun 13th, 2015 with 4123958 plays
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You are a man responsible for security who has just started working at the pizzeria Freddy which is visited by little bears even at night. Your task is to survive without getting attacked. Look at what the cameras installed in the restaurant show you. In case of danger, close all the doors. Do not do that too often or you may not have enough electricity. FNAF 1 is an interesting game that you must definitely try.
I got through that pretty well almost was hit by cheeka but so far good😃
are you good at the game 👍
goofy ahh ungel produts
ReplyThis game studied social, political, economic,and technological changes that influenced the 20th century including WWII and the cold war era. Freddy was easily distracted and often off task or tired in class. Assignments were often late as he did not apply himself during game time. Freddy would leave the stage and not return on occasion if he did not want to do the tasks t
Replythis game looks JUST like the original one 😄
Replystarts with power 99, 3 characters, game glitches, loads forever sometimes, no night 2
ReplyNo night 2😔
ReplyWhy do we start with only 99% of power? Why not 100?
Replyhow do i get the gun in fnaf 1😞
u cant get gun if u saw that vid where its animated and the person is basicaly hacker then that not canon
Replyy do we start with 99 power
Replyhow do you go to 2nd night
Replyit won't let me past night do i get to night two
Replylove it 100000000000000000000000/10
Replyi won
Replyscary ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is good