Reetus Skeetus

Reetus Skeetus

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Registration: Aug 20th, 2020
Games played: 6
Number of comments: 5
Latest comments

• comment on Lion Hunter

Then don't

• comment on Lif Serengetti

I wish when you spawned everything didn't instantly think, "Oh, Imma go kill this dude." Also, when is multiplayer coming? It's been 8 years so I'm guessing the game is basically dead?

• comment on Dragon Simulator Multiplayer

very epic game

• comment on Dragon Simulator 3D

I find this highly unbelievable that you would sit at a computer for 4 hours waiting for a game to load... but ok then

• comment on Dragon Simulator 3D

Wish it would save after you logged out of your computer for when you came back on

Last played
Lion Hunter online game

72% 34.1k plays

Lion Hunter

Wild Wolves online game

72% 40.6k plays

Wild Wolves

Dragon Simulator 3D online game

91% 137k plays

Dragon Simulator 3D

Dragon Simulator Multiplayer online game

86% 77.1k plays

Dragon Simulator Multiplayer

Dragons online game

88% 36.4k plays

Monster Simulator Trigger City online game

83% 24.0k plays

Monster Simulator Trigger City

User has no friends.
Reetus Skeetus
Reetus Skeetus [17:17 Aug 22nd, 2020]