Published Jan 21st, 2020 with 927593 plays
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A S D movement - Mouse shooting / construction
- jump
- F || 1 || 2 change weapons
- Z || X || C || V || Y change platform for building
1v1.LOL is an action online game where you can shoot and build up platforms. The game is similar in theme to Fortnite. The game offers you multiple mods, so you can either play battle royale, where the last man standing wins, or a quick 1v1 action. There, you will be trying to build up your defenses and kill your opponent. There will be 3 weapons and a multitude of platforms available. You can play with a friend, but you’ll need to register. The building of the platforms can be a bit difficult at the start, but you’ll surely get used to it.
Soooooooooooooooooooooo long LOADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Replythis game is asssssss guys its stupid im on controler its ez on controler
Replyis so much fun😎
this game is dum
play it in the browser
Roblox is fun
ReplyThis game is dum
Replyi love pigy in roblox
Replyi will kill the red one
Replyyeah this game is 600% trash it make ur pc very glichi and dont work very well pls dont try to play this game😓
my epic on fortnite is spicy shot im on xbox
I can't any game so 1v1 lol sucks and it sucks to not be able to play
LOL Piggy right?
Dudes bro sis chill. tell me if this game is trash or not just say trash in the comments if you agree.😝😝😝😝😝
Replyno you are not am god at is game your tarshhh
Replyi am the god of this game
Replyjust the name of this game is toxic...