Published Jan 21st, 2020 with 927430 plays
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A S D movement - Mouse shooting / construction
- jump
- F || 1 || 2 change weapons
- Z || X || C || V || Y change platform for building
1v1.LOL is an action online game where you can shoot and build up platforms. The game is similar in theme to Fortnite. The game offers you multiple mods, so you can either play battle royale, where the last man standing wins, or a quick 1v1 action. There, you will be trying to build up your defenses and kill your opponent. There will be 3 weapons and a multitude of platforms available. You can play with a friend, but you’ll need to register. The building of the platforms can be a bit difficult at the start, but you’ll surely get used to it.
I cant even figure out how to change wepones and I wish it was multiplayer
It is multiplayer dumbass
talk well stupid ***
Replythis game is better than fortnite
no its not
No fortnite is actually better😤😂
thank you
fortnite vs this game fortnite100 this game -100
i love this game
Replybest game i have ever played😄😜😝
Replyis good game
Replyit doesnt show up for me. its a wast of your time.
you have to reset the whole web page or gameflare than go back to it
this is the worst game ever it sucks
uskd3a Winner of the 1v1 gets a google play or itunes gift card.😶
Replyits corona time
Replyti's CORON time
Replythe game keeps loadining and i hate this game😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😈😈🐛🐛
To bad for you lol 😄
Never mind Ill stop 😟😦😡😢😶😑
ReplyMy region is us east😉
Replyparty is usw8r1 1v1 please