Published Mar 9th, 2020 with 36472 plays
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- Mouse fireball
A S D movement - Shift sprint
- jump / flying
Dragons.ro is a pretty little game where you’ll be controlling small dragons. You find yourself in a fantastic world, where dragons are free to roam around. All you need to do is join a server and you can start your adventure. There will be other players all around you. You can either let them be or attack them. It’s up to you. Controls are fairly easy, since you control the flight via your mouse. The game is offering pretty graphics, so you certainly won’t be bored.
Could you please ad emotions?
ReplyBEST DRAGON GAME EVER! Very cute* I really like the last skin; it is cool.😄😄
Replylove it the best dragon game by far
Replyi played
I have all the skins. 1. The red one. 2. The white one. 🐎
ReplyPress t dude.👌✌🐺🐴🐬
Just press the T button 🙂
How do u chat
Replyeh em could u add new islands and new starter skins for new peeps and could u edit the size of the dragon u have it would be really cool
Okay your right it is cute the sounds and stuff
I love it
this game is fun i hope some one play it with me 👉👈 😇😇😇😇😇😇
Replythis is so cute😍
ReplyL O A D I N G
im happy im sad im glad im mad im sad im................COOL!!!!😎
Replysup fam this game lagges a lot and fails and glitches but it is still verry good i mean who am i to judge i can even make a little mini game
ReplyAND can you add water that we can see
i like that gif how do u get 1?
ya how to get gif??????
oh nvm
this game trash.this game dodo
your trash your dodo