Nightmares of Residents
Nightmares of Residents
Published Oct 7th, 2017 with 22819 plays
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A S D movement - Mouse shooting
- 1 || 2 || 3 weapons
- E enter the car
- C crouch
- jump
- L lights
- I inventory
- R reload
- ⏎ select / exit vehicle
Luckily, you've survived and got out. However, you're disoriented. Try to get over individual obstacles and choose between campaign or versus mode. The campaign offers you a great story of two agents, Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong. Pick your hero and challenge your enemies. The game is great, so be sure to give it a try.
its a bit laggy but still reall fun also its very hard to escape🙁
sooooooooooooo fun😆
Replyit's have 2 glitch 🙁 🙁 🙁
Reply😈 😈 😈
Reply😛 😛 😛