Operate Now: Brain Surgery

Operate Now: Brain Surgery
mouse = interaction

55% 27.3k plays
Operate Now: Pericardium Surger
Published: May 8th, 2015 HTML5 Play the doctor who will operate on the patient.

68% 36.7k plays
Operate Now: Pacemaker Surgery
Published: Feb 27th, 2014 HTML5 This time it will be a difficult heart surgery, so good luck.
I couldn't find the microscope
ReplyHow do you get pass the shaving cream part?
Replywhere is the microscope?
Reply😵 my friend made me play this and stream it to them
Replywth is wrong with anesthetic part
Areeb, you need to click anywhere under the square.
Pls patch the bug on the needle part. "wait FOUR seconds" Ive been waiting for the past 3 mins. Why did Flash have to get removed damn.
click under the text near the edge of the screen😃
played these as a kid, glad that they work!
so true thought i was alone on this😭
i love it soooo much
Replyhow do you get past the needle part?
Replyhow do i get past the needle part?
I can’t go past the needle part😅
I'm stuck at te anaesthetic part !!!
Nevermind I figured it out😆
how did u figure it out??
How do u do the needle part
Replyfinally i found one that works.
Replyflash come back