Published Oct 27th, 2019 with 23110 plays
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- Mouse movement
- Left mouse button acceleration is a great online game. It’s basically in marine environment. In the game, you will be controlling fish, trying to eat as much food as you can. By doing that, you will be growing larger and larger, while also moving upwards on the scoreboard. You will also be getting longer and everyone who crashes into you will die. Watch out though, since the same can also happen to you. Aside from that you can also complete many different objectives and get rewarded for doing so. The rewards can be used to upgrade your fish or unlock an entirely new one. Will you be able to rule the sea?
High score!
Mass: 21468
Kills: 46
But then I died LOL
Yooooo! Now I got 24370 mass, and 49 kills!
In total overall (all the rounds I've played): 154230
i typically hate and avoid PVP games because they trigger my severe anxiety disorders, but i like this one -- I can hide in my own tail avoiding everyone and anybody who touches me blows up in a puff of sparkles! no confrontations, no one chasing me around, i made it to 35k+ with the level 0 starter monster just by being a recluse and minding my own business. the colorful dragons are relaxing to watch and you have to explode in order to progress anyway so you never really "lose."
Replyim mad no one is nice!😡😤😭👿💢🔥
That's probably the point of the game. You kill each other for XP, mass, and prizes.
People are always going so fast that in 1 minute I die :-:😭
Replyits stuck
ReplyBOO you move so SLOW plus easily DIE
ReplyI was just #1 !
Replyim kil teh king
Replyhow do you move?
If you can't move, you probably need a computer. You use your mouse to move. Unless you have a glitch or lag.
i love this game so much! was so close to beating my high score...10173 ;^; my name in game is RavenClaw cuz why not ^v^
Replyits a good game pretty glitchy but i still love to play it
Replyit is gichy but i like it
Replyi like this game so much !
Replyilove it too😍😍😍😍
Replygood gam love😍