Andrew Bolen

good bye for now


Why? Well, bye ig if you're leaving....

So my phone account got deleted
And i havent had any internet in a while
So i had to remake it today
Also i was never really leaving just loosing access to my old one

Anyways im back

Ohh i just responded on the wrong one
I hate it when i do that

Anyways so if you read what i said
I was wrong
My account wasnt deleted
It was just glitched
And im just an idoit

Wait a minute...

Either im a bigger idiot than i thought, or im just blind(definitely both) but i cant find where i typed earlier

Did i even actually type it?

O my god im so idiotic

I just found where i typed earlier
And it was in the right spot

So for the new friend (lilacgold) and all my other friends who haven't realized this yet
When i get tired i act stupid,
More than usual

and now for the final hours of this acount
(hopefully just untill next school year)

the account names are so simmiler
their almost imposable to tell apart
just remember
space is key

the space being only on this acount (the old one)

ive missed you all though

It’s Ok

Why does everybody have an anime pfp?


I'm just bread


i like jumping over the rail
but it was hot and i couldnt jump
so my legs caught the rail
i then grabed onto the porch rail to flip over so i wouldnt faceplant straight into the ground
instead i landed on my back
knoked the wind out of me for 10 seconds
everything hurt for five minutes
and my elow still hurts now

i actualy scraped up my elbow pretty bad
but i didnt feal it at all
the only pain in my elow is from the impact
i got bandages though but that was just to keep me from getting blood on anything

im suprizingly tough for a skinny kid though

also i dont cry from pain

only when i hurt someone else
and randomly from my depression

i also dont scream

some people actualy call me a demon

i take it as a compliment

but im actualy more of a soft demon
or at least i try to be

I’m a demon to I don’t cry or scream or feel pain when I get hurt but sometimes I do feel pain but not that much

now its VoidAssasin

Like your gameflare name

so were you gonna give your opinion on the other thing

actualy nevermind

What you mean

it was a song i wanted to send to layla
i thought i should do more to help her
but then i listened to the song again and decided not to

ok so im going from void assassin to just Assassin
because i just always forget the void part

here's the link
https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCze7wF64cTfeR2u1HwnOa4w
you have to delete the space first though


Uh the link doesn’t work for me can you link me a vid of his

i dont have a youtube acount

Well I’m thinking to make one

I had a YouTube channel
last year but I give up on that channel because I got no views

mt brother have a youtube acount but he did not get views and didnt post on it in a loooooonnnngggg time!


i subbed :D
• comment on Cartoon Strike
who doesn't