Angry Shark Online

Angry Shark Online online game

Angry Shark Online

• Published Apr 25th, 2019 with 7990 plays

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  • Up
    Left Down Right
  • Spacebar attack
In today’s game, your objective will be to control a dangerous shark in a coastal city. The objective of the game is relatively simple, try to destroy everything around you. You thus won’t be simply eating people, but also things like water scooters, smaller and bigger boats and even a helicopter. To get to the helicopter, you simply need to pick up speed and then jump out of the water. You need to take care about the mines that the beach site is full of and that can quickly lower your health bar. For each kill and property damage you’ll earn points that can help push you up the score board.

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Angry Shark Miami online game

65% 8.8k plays

Angry Shark Miami


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ArjuntheRageGuy (unregistered) [08:07 May 8th, 2024]

Why do you move slowly from going left to right when outside the water or when on the air? The wiesi shark games doesn't have that, yet this one does. There's should be an option where u go faster on the air just like when in the air cuz I can't commit dragging down aerial vehicles when it comes to that.

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ArjuntheRageGuy (unregistered) [07:59 May 8th, 2024]

Although this a unique twist on the infamous Wiesi shark games (unique twist cuz it has health points, earning said points via eating humans, sea mines, and aerial vehicles fighting back at the shark), mostly the pre-Prehistoric Shark games, the ones from Miami Shark up until Los Angeles Shark, the spacebar for biting just kinda sucks when it comes to biting aerial vehicles, like it's almost like you have to bite the highlighted parts precisely, unlike in the wiesi shark games where those said parts probably has a medium-sized hitbox for the dragging down aerial vehicle thing to trigger via biting.

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tia rich (unregistered) [17:52 Feb 24th, 2021]

i love it

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Shark 🦈 vs whale 🐳 (unregistered) [05:40 Nov 28th, 2020]

Killer shark killer killer kill kill


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