Published Feb 10th, 2020 with 20351 plays
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A S D movement - Left mouse button building
- Right mouse button destruction
- E inventory
- F flying
- C descend
- jump / ascend is yet another online game that’s trying to look like Minecraft. It’s a very simple version where you can build up your creations using blocks. The blocks don’t have any textures and are made from a single color. You can still create some interesting combinations, though. Since it’s a multiplayer game, you can send your coordinates to a friend and he can join you. In the other case, you’ll probably get bored after some time. Don’t forget that you can fly in the game.
no body players
this game is so cool
Replywhy does it feel like flying mode looks like we are angels
ReplyI found a clear place under the city go check that out I don't know how big
Replyso i have been seeing player ruin other player spot even my spot and JUST STOP ITTTTTTT😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😰😰
Replyit awesome and I build a city so don't spoil it I work hard on it
ReplyI just started.
Replyand the imposter knife
Replyi made a among us
Replyany mine clone like me
Replyomg its my in yoube why
Replyeverytime i play it start clean the building
Replywho has a secret house
Replyhave you been into a tall tower
Replyhow do i get out of the starting screen