Dino Survival
Dino Survival
Published Nov 7th, 2017 with 24002 plays
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A S D movement - Mouse shooting
- 1 || 9 weapons
- jump
- Shift sprint
- F pick item
- R reload
- L mouse lock
The game has great 3D graphics. Your main objective is to do everything you can to survive. You're moving in places where there's a ton of dinosaurs. You don't have all that much ammo, so try not to waste all of it right in the beginning of the game. So get to it and try to survive! The first round serves as a warm up.
overall, its a good game, just some lag but not too much right?
ReplyI would like it if the models switched up for once. It's basically the same thing every time😐. It's okay I guess, but too laggy for my taste.
ReplyThis is goood game
Replywell, well well, once again another shitty game with the exact same weapons, models, and sound. At this point its pathetic how little effort is put into these
Replyit is a good game