ECO inc. Save the Earth Planet
ECO inc. Save the Earth Planet
Published Mar 18th, 2022 with 10289 plays
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ECO inc. Save the Earth Planet is an educational online game where you will be trying to solve ecological problems of our planet. At the beginning of our game you will pick the difficulty and part of the planet that you will be trying to save first. We recommend turning on the tutorial first, so that you understand all of the gameplay mechanics. During the game, you will have to carefully check the ecological situation in your part of the world and stabilize it. At the beginning it might be slow for you to grasp it all, but it will get easier with practice. After finishing the game you will be able to check your stats.
😲 god game
ReplyIts a good game. I just hope that what happens in the game stays in the game.
ReplyJust got 10 back to back unskippable ads. make it end.
Replythe wait is killing me😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
ReplyThe content in this game is extremely condescending. As the all-knowing environmentalist saviors are wont to be.
ReplyYo. why is this comment section filled with people that don't know how to type 😂😂😂
i have no clue
first one to play?!😲😯WOW! ✌👍👌👋👏
Replythis game is weird adicting and hard if u want to savw the world in a envirornmetal way this is the game for u
Replyhave u ever had cookie butter! sooooooooo good
its like peenut butter but wayyyyy better
Biscoff has some good cookie butter
i was first person to play😎
Replyi was trying to look here
Replytakes a little time to load lol😔
yo to long to load
We are all going to die in 11 years