Published Feb 19th, 2013 with 449630 plays
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Left Down Right movement - X attack / feeding
- L attack / love
- jump
- Esc menu
Have you ever wanted to become an animal for a while ? This game is your great chance. You can even play online and fight with other animals. If you want to be another animal, just find the totem and wait a few seconds.
Developer is Gamevial
All rights belong to Gamevial
Developer is Gamevial
All rights belong to Gamevial
How to get on to multiplayer?
Not available anymore. :/
when will multiplay open
i am a lion.
can you be a lion and i can be a lionnes
Replyha amma do you want to be in the savana
Replyi like the fox👿
ReplyI love being a eagle too😝
ah ha amma can you met me in suvana
Mine fav animal is camel or fenefox
Replywhat's your fav animal. mine eagle
I like eagle or lioness.
I meant how u have cubs
To have a cub, you must find a mate and get pregnant then when the pink bar on the top of the screen is fully pink that means your ready to have baby. (This also counts for other animals).
that is not true
What,s your favorite place to be, mine is desert
mine is heath/forest
mine is also desert and savanna.
How many cubs can you have in one game?
Does anyone know?
Are the cubs growing up sometime?
I don't know how many cubs, (more than 1 tho) buuuut they do grow up. (I seen)
On a hill next to the wilderbeast and baboon totems😜
Replyme too
ReplyI know how to be a lion😊😊
Replyhow do you become lion?????? 😐😐😐
go to one uf the hills