Transformice Adventures
Transformice Adventures
Published May 13th, 2019 with 18454 plays
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A S D movement - Left mouse button attack
- Right mouse button use bandages
- 1 || 2 || 3 use skills
Transformice Adventures is a new installment of the legendary series Transformice, where you’ll be controlling your favorite mice on their adventures. This time, your objective will be to run around, hunting our enemies. At the beginning you’ll have to get through an easy tutorial where the game will teach you how to use your skills to heal and attack. After that you can run into a world full of enemies. You can also play with your friends, so don’t forget to call them. It’s more fun that way. The only negative aspect is that this is just a trail version, so the game doesn’t offer much content. The full version should be out at the end of 2019. Surely it will be worth the wait.
Replythey must be
Replyum why cant we play
try modern browser, no IE
😄hi🐶 :3