Published Aug 22nd, 2018 with 17694 plays
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- Mouse movement / fight
- 1 || 5 special items
- E inventory
- ⏎ chat
If you’re fans of MMORPG games like World of Warcraft or Lineage, join this game with your friends. This is no battle royale game. All gamers are friendly and are trying to help each other survive. Find your friends and try to finish the game together. Battle fearsome monsters and collect all of the old secrets together. Be sure to defend yourself, because death awaits those who are too careless.
Not so good not so bad it is in the middle 😄😃😀👍👎
ReplyAw i miss this game
ReplyIs it good or not?
Replyit will not let me play this game👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
Replynice game
Replyit sucks
Replycool game
Replyis anything new
Replymy to😎
Replyi love the game
Replyi aint gots to worry im lvl 99
yea right
why load slow all sudden
Replypls chang that😟😟😟
Replyi will stop play if this no changed😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤
Replywhy when die u lose lvl