Published Jun 22nd, 2020 with 230896 plays
• Developer:
OnRush Studio
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A S D movement - Mouse shooting
- jump
- E melee attack
- F grenade
- B turn cards
- H dance
- 1 || 4 change weapon after death is an online action game where you will be playing against real players from all around the world in an arena. There will be three of you and your objective will be to capture 3 points that you can see on the map. For these points, you will be able to use special skills and thus improve your chances of winning the game. As you respawn, you will be able to change your weapon. There are 4 in total - Scar, Shotgun, Tec-9 and a sniper rifle. In the menu, you can also invite your friends and play against one another, which is way more fun. The game offers you great gameplay and graphics, so you won’t get bored.
I play 24.7 and its so easy😎
ReplyI lobe this game so much😊
ReplyBeen playing game in for years,,,, nostaglgia!!!!!
ReplyImma cry man , this game is very cool n ive been plaing for almost 3 years , but its been a long time since i have played on THIS website, ,,,,,ahh guys someone please reply me , i m feeling lonely\
its cool
Replyits lit lowkey
ReplyThis game is so very I never play
Replyguess what i gotta kill boyss
Replynormal time where tori at is 1 hour back
Replywhy is it so boring
Replyoh brother! This game STINKS!😡
Got 8 kills didn’t die 1s
Replygood h game i got like 5 kills
Replyim sorry control is to lag😁