Jacqueline Bordelon

ive been busy but i'll try to come everyday

I haven't played roblox in a while, but then I didn't play it that often anyway.

hey did you block me
I tried to say hello but it wouldn't let me

i didn't block you it might be my internet

ohh ok

um i cant accept around three on weekdays my internet goes out but 2:30 is good for me

🌈ALSO🌈 my Roblox name might sound dumb 😳 i made a long time ago ok😒


I will mostly play Royale High👗 and Adopt Me🐶.

I also can play Fredbears Mega Roleplay

lol i had 2000 but spent it alll on a skirt

i also play adopt my and fnaf role play games

and gacha online

I like horror games, and horror movies, pretty much if its scary I like it, although I can't find any good horror movies.

you know of any good horror movies.

what is your roblox

I will tell you guys on Monday

nope sorry



btw deku my fav bc i cant dance i hurt my self a lot and my friends and fam say im cute.
plus im tiny 😒

i love royal high 😍

heh yeah

omg was that the coffin dance??
why do i know that 😑


im using two this time it helps 😉



Guess the character by emoji. First:😛

To be honest i dont know

its Juro i think

frog tongue squad 😜
lol my mom says i have frog tongue

the dance 😆😝



why not just burn all the trash

thanks ill friend you too

hey i like those types of games i will subscribe too you once your YouTuber and also i friended you

thanks guys 😄

I not a channel yet but i think ill be one after the summer

In the summer im learning how to edit videos and things like that.
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