Adam and Eve Go Xmas
Adam and Eve Go Xmas
Published Dec 9th, 2020 with 11054 plays
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- Mouse interaction
Left Down Right movement
Adam and Eve Go Xmas is yet another great instalment into the series where you’ll be controlling Adam. On your way, you will be completing a ton of different objectives, with the main one being to collect Christmas gifts and taking them home, to your beloved Eve. This time, you won’t only be clicking on items, but you will also be moving Adam and getting over obstacles. You can also play on your mobile phone, so good luck and happy holidays!
its to hard but i like it😍😡
Replyi love this game😍
Replythis game is so goooooooooooood😍😍
Replyits so hard to control climbing up and down because the game goes down as well😩
what game
I like this game is so satisfying😍😊😄
Replythis is sooooooooooo fun😃😜😜😜😜😛😛😛😛
this is so fun to play😊