Published Jan 21st, 2021 with 358367 plays
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Impostor is a fun game where you’ll be travelling in space with the whole crew. There’s one issue however, which is the fact that there’s an impostor among you. Be sure to watch your surroundings, since if you find yourself alone with someone else in a room, it might be the impostor. Their goal is to kill the whole crew, including you. They won’t stop and won’t have any trouble with hurting you and damaging the ship. It will be difficult to find them, but you need to keep looking and watch out for any suspicious behavior. Will you manage to save the ship and the crew? Come on, let's see!
The game is inspired by Among Us.
The game is inspired by Among Us.
is extra game!
Replyi love it all **** we need to see the camera to you no
ReplyI love the inpostor role in among us
ReplyThe best gaaammmeeeeee
Replyjust no i did not even kill someone and i get voted out👿
Replycool but glichest
Replynew map
whatever you do do not make your name__________/
it will glitch it
i wish y0u can be crewmateeeeeeeeee👿👿
If you wanna be crewmate, play real among us. The entire point of this is that you're always impostor, lol
I want more update
Replyits just a black screen
ReplyAlways Imposter but secaund kill you allways get busted even when you are nowhere near the body. Still fun though.
Replyit's so cool 😎