Soccer League
Soccer League
Published May 12th, 2023 with 9415 plays
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- Mouse look around
A S D driving - jump
- Shift nitro
- F change camera
Soccer League is an exhilarating combination of soccer, car and simulation games, all rolled into one. In this game, you'll be driving your vehicle around a football pitch, aiming to score goals against your opponent. You have the option of playing a quick game or entering the competitive Rocket League. If you choose to compete, you can earn in-game currency and cogs to upgrade your car. Starting in the Beginners League, you can work your way up to the Intermediate and Expert Leagues with practice and determination. So gear up, put your skills to the test and aim for victory in the league!
RL better😎
ReplyThis game kinda cool but Rocket League is better
Replyis best car game fun😃😃😃😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😄😀😀😀😀😀😜😜😜