Ninja Clash Heroes
Ninja Clash Heroes
Published Aug 17th, 2020 with 35820 plays
• Developer:
Freeway Interactive
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- Mouse shooting
A S D movement - jump
- C crouch
- G grenade
- Tab score
Ninja Clash Heroes is an online game where you will be fighting with weapons against players from all around the world. It's a continuation of this popular series where you will be fighting as ninjas. The goal of the game is to kill as many opponents as you can and thus help yourself win the game. In the menu, you can unlock new characters and level them up. You can also unlock new skins for your weapons. There’s quality 3D graphics awaiting you and the option of playing the game on your mobile phone.
soudier help teemwolf😱😱😭😭
Replyi hate this game it is trash
ReplyThe ones who made ninja clash heroes are the ones who made Moon clash heroes .Lol😃😃😃😄
ReplyIts like moon clash heroes😉😎
Replychaina gun fight game owwwww😎😨😎👯
Replyits soo cool like me thts why a lke it sooo mch😍
Replyi hope this game gos fast
ReplyIt's like moon clash heroes i like this game😎😎😎😎
yes you are right 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
this game is so fun like is so me
really i don't like this game becaus no wife
why though?
Hi guys and hi all today lm so happy with this game and you now tell me if you ilke this game you said is nice is five star and very good is four star and good game is three star and not good game two star and one star i will pick five star because i love this game many days i love this Ninja clash heroes thats i tallk to do so thank you Godbless wait pray time Angel of god my dear to hull gods love to means me here ever this day be at my sid to ilke and god to hull gods love Amen so thank you tell me if you like this game ok guys bye bye
play the game and shut up
It was so hard this is my first time playing a game Like this😅😅😅😅
👍👍👌✌ nice
Replyeste juego es super escucha en yo tuber y escribe mucica eltronica y salera un dibujo de el sesey de na naruto con ungatito 🐱
Replyi just found this game
Replysomeone else is named 'LIam' thats cool, well my name is Liam too