Papa's Sushiria

Papa's Sushiria online game

Papa's Sushiria

• Published Dec 13th, 2016 with 251971 plays
• Developer: Flipline Studios

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At first glance, making sushi seems like a straightforward task. Cook some rice, add in some fish, vegetables, rolls, sesame, sauce, and serve on a plate - easy, right? However, creating perfect sushi requires skill, precision, and speed. In the game, you must keep your customers happy by quickly preparing the sushi they want, with the right ingredients. As you progress through the game, more customers will visit your restaurant, making the challenge even greater. You need to be efficient and attentive to their needs, as no customer likes to wait for their food for too long. Luckily, the game has simple controls that are easy to master, making it enjoyable and addictive. With practice, you'll soon become a skilled sushi chef, satisfying your customers with perfectly crafted sushi dishes.

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OpyouRat (unregistered) [12:31 Jan 14th, 2025]

Guys I have rank 100 I think I'm a little addicted 😭

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PAPALOUIETIPS21 (unregistered) [14:07 Oct 10th, 2024]

If you dont want any lag, put the quality on low😄

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PAPALOUIETIPS21 (unregistered) [14:40 Dec 12th, 2024]

lalalalalaalalalala puup

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serilano (unregistered) [20:41 Sep 26th, 2024]


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melody123 (unregistered) [07:32 Aug 22nd, 2024]

Why can't I do colour-coordinated? I did everything correctly! I brought the same clothes with different colours and stuff but STILL it doesn't work.

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Angel (unregistered) [03:41 Aug 14th, 2024]

I got such a good score then I clicked the "online" button and lost all my progress for that particular day.

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Sunny (unregistered) [07:20 Aug 12th, 2024]

I'm at Rank 13 Day 21. Why can't I get the Powsicle gum? There are also other gums that, in the wiki, say that you can find them in the store but I don't seem to have them (they are all from holidays that I haven't been through yet, so is that a possible reason?)

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slaypurr (unregistered) [22:57 Mar 10th, 2024]

so yall to deal with the cutting guide just do half cut increments, hope this helps 😍😍😍

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slaypurr (unregistered) [00:30 Mar 11th, 2024]

just make sure to skip the first and last marked lines bc that will make ur sushi cuts too small 💕💕💕💕

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twisty (unregistered) [16:47 Mar 19th, 2024]

i’m very illiterate. What does half-cut increments mean

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slaypurr (unregistered) [17:42 Mar 20th, 2024]

basically you can cut twice between each line, hope this helpsss 😅😅

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slaypurr (unregistered) [19:13 Mar 20th, 2024]

btw an extra tip! while placing an ingredient for sushi filling, if it's glowing, it means that specific spot placement would make your filling overlap, causing you to lose points. hope that helps too😻

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slaypurr (unregistered) [19:14 Mar 20th, 2024]

works for placeable toppings too!

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STANKY (unregistered) [19:54 Feb 23rd, 2024]

nice game

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randomstargirl (unregistered) [21:35 Feb 4th, 2024]

(dont copy my username!) this is a great game but its rlly hard to play and its hard to get at least 90% in one part.

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randomstargirl (unregistered) [13:21 Feb 14th, 2024]


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RandomStarGirl (unregistered) [11:31 Feb 28th, 2024]


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official_papa_louie (unregistered) [21:05 Jan 21st, 2024]

even after 8 years our game is still up and running!

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CAP (unregistered) [23:41 Mar 25th, 2024]

You are not papa louie you goon.

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legotd61 (unregistered) [18:22 Jan 11th, 2024]

I love this game

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Cat (unregistered) [21:58 Dec 20th, 2023]

It’s takes sooo long to load

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hwtaer (unregistered) [15:10 Dec 5th, 2023]

love this game. unrelated but ive also made both sushi and boba tea from scratch, like the little weeb that i am. can confirm it is not easy

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holyprincess (unregistered) [07:02 Dec 2nd, 2023]

its good😄i like papa games

lelethegamer [19:45 Nov 30th, 2023]

ngl its hard to play


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